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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Terms Of Use

Jpgs. of drawings and sketches are made by our gallery's staff. These are scanned and photographed and cleaned up in Photo Shop. Sometimes the drawings need even more attention and must be "redrawn".

  The jpgs. and patterns are the freeware property of the Pick and Print Gallery. If you download our clip art or craft projects we presume that you have taken the time and care to read these terms.

  The graphics/jpgs. are for private, non-profit use only. They are not to redistributed by any other means of collection both on the internet or off, without getting prior consent from the staff. If you have questions about the work, you may write the gallery at

List of Bad Uses:
  • Burning the work to a CD and giving it away as a free incentive.
  • Stealing the jpgs. and misrepresenting "who" they belong to, or "who" originally produced them.
  • Republishing the work for profit.
  • Printing and reselling the patterns for profit or incentive for purchase of product not belonging to us.
  • This kind of product is not a work of art or a craft. Products like stickers, CDs, coloring books, tee shirts, mugs, prints, worksheets for sale in the form of hard copy etc...
List of Good Uses:
  • Crafts that you produce to either give as gifts or keep for yourself.
  • Worksheets for schools and non-profit businesses that are informative and educational. These worksheets must not be reproduced for profit. Teachers may make their own worksheets for their own files and classrooms and use this clip art freely. You do not need to contact the staff and to ask about the number of worksheets that you can print. We are not picky about this. Please give credit to the blog address on the worksheets,
  • Teachers that are using the jpgs. to teach computer art techniques are welcome to download these drawings. Just remember to educate your students about copyrights and inform them that these jpgs. are freeware not free. Freeware may be used under certain conditions only.
  • Only educators may burn the images to power points or CD slide presentations. You may do this no matter "where" you work as a teacher. Please give the blog credit for the use of the material.
  • Teachers may also print out and use jpgs. a sample work for students to draw from.
  • Students, artists, and art lovers may print out or keep in a non-electronic file as long as they keep in mind that it has been copyrighted.
  • If you alter it significantly. Like paint it, or put it into another artwork, this is just fine. Artists have been doing this for centuries. What we are primarily concerned about are those people who abuse the work in it's original context, not artists that take it and hand-color it and paint it and collage it etc. But those people who try to profit from it by flipping it and resizing the jpgs. and calling them free. This is not significant alteration. Well those of you who are artists know what we're talking about.
  • Free banner clip art may be used by merchants as well as for those using it for personal blogs and non-for-profit web sites and they may superimpose the name of their shop or merchandise on this particular type of clip art. However, they should also give a link to our blog in exchange. 
  • Parents or guardians who are conducting a "home school" may consider themselves to be teachers. Church educators, parish priests, preachers from any denomination (Protestant or Catholic) and VBS volunteers may also use the materials here and apply the rules to themselves as do the certified teachers.

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