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Friday, March 18, 2011

family traditions wheel graph lesson plan

(Two student projects at mid-point are shown above. This is the circular graph drawn on the first piece of paper. When the upper circular poster board "plate" is added with a brad, the project will be complete. Students may also add silverware, a table cloth and other table items around the graph!)

(The completed wheel graph, all images copyrighted by Grimm, 2011)

Title: Family Traditions Wheel Graph
Goals of the Lesson:
(goals are long-term aims that you want to accomplish)
  1. Students will be able to use storytelling/writing and listening to help created a definition of a community.
  2. Students will be able to identify their own community through art activities and classroom discussion.
  3. Students will be able  to appreciate positive aspects of their own private and public heritage.
Objectives of the Lesson: (concrete attainments that can be achieved, measurable)
  1. Students will write vocabulary describing foods that are best associated with the celebrations of their own individual families.
  2. Students will draw the dinnerware and foods that identify their family celebrations.
Depth of Knowledge:
  • Recall & Reproduction (DOK 1) - Identify purposes
  • Skills & Concepts/Basic Reasoning (DOK 2) - Classify, sort items into meaningful categories
  • Strategic Thinking/Complex Reasoning (DOK 3) - Analyze similarities and differences in cultural celebrations
  • Extented Thinking/Reasoning (DOK 4) - Make predictions with evidence as support
Show Me (MO) Standards addressed: (appropriate label & description)
  • (VA2) FA2 - Artists communicate ideas through artworks by selecting and applying art elements and principles.
  • (VA3) FA3 - Viewer's respond aesthetically to artworks based upon their personal experience and cultural values. Viewers analyze, interpret, and evaluate the quality of artwork through art criticism.
  • (VA5) FA5 - Visually literate citizens understand the role and functions of art in history and culture. Artists influence and are influenced by the cultures and time periods in which they live.
GLE’s For Visual Art addressed: (appropriate label & description)
  • EP.1.B.5 Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork. Shapes. Identify and use symbolic shapes.
  • AP.1.A.5 Investigate the nature of art and discuss responses to artworks. Aesthetics. Discuss and develop answers to questions about art, such as: Who decides what makes an artwork special, valuable or good?
  • HC.1.B.5 Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures. Characteristics of Artworks. Compare and contrast two artworks on: Theme, Purpose of art in culture, and Use of materials and technology.
Cross-Curricular Connections:
    Standards: (appropriate label & description)
  1. ST - CA 4, 1.8, 2.1 and FR - II 6d, III 4c, IV 3f, 5-8
  2. ST - CA 5,6 1.5 and FR - I 2h, IV 1d, K-4
  3. ST - CA 2,3 1.1, 1.4 and FR - I 2a, d, III 1d, K-4
  4. ST - CA 5 1.5 1.7, 2.7 and FR - I 6h, II 5 f & I, III 1j, 3a, K-4
    GLE’s For Communication Arts: (appropriate label & description)
  1. Writing. 3.A.5 Write effectively in various forms and types of writing. Narrative and Descriptive Writing. Write personal narrative text that chronicles a sequence of events and/or focuses on the development of a single event.
  2. Listening and Speaking. 1.A.4 Listening and Speaking. Develop and apply effective listening skills and strategies. Listening Behavior. Demonstrate listening behaviors (e.g., prepares to listen, listens without interruptions, and maintains eye contact.
  3. Information Literacy. 1.A.4 Develop and apply effective research process skills to gather, analyze and evaluate information. Research Plan. Formulate and research keywords and questions to establish a focus and purpose for inquiry.
  4. Information Literacy. 2.A.4 Develop and apply effective skills and strategies to analyze and evaluate oral and visual media. Media Messages. Identify and explain intended messages conveyed through oral and visual media.
Time Needed: 45 - 55 minutes
Facility & Equipment Requirements: I taught the following project inside of a regular classroom. Students needed their own small, personal space to complete the project. I needed to show students a slide show on a computer. Samples of the project done by both professionals and students were also brought for students to view. 

Resources: (books, reproductions, etc. -- non-consumables)
1. powerpoint for food discussion
2. Extra large sample demo for the classroom! This poster sized chart has transparent layers that help young students conceptualize the instructions visually.
Materials: (size, type, & quantity per each student)
  • one white 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of typing paper
  • pencils and felt tip markers
  • one paper (cardstock) disk, this has been precut
  • one small brad
  • ruler
  • erasor
  1. Community - A social group of any size whose members live in a specific place and share a government, have a common culture and also share in a historic heritage.
  2. Tradition - An inherited pattern of thought or action that is actively repeated within a family or larger community.
  3. Economics - The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. 
  4. Celebration - A joyful occasion commemorating a special event.
Health & Safety Concerns: There are no health and safety concerns for this lesson because the students are using supplies that they normally keep stored in their desk. Pencils, pens, crayons, scissors and white glue all come with ingredient labels that describe these supplies as "safe." Our students are also older so we believe that most of them have been taught not to throw or abuse these supplies. We do, however, watch them carefully to insure they are not using their art materials in a dangerous way.
Step-by-step activity:
  1. The teacher will review what the students discussed from last lesson.
  2. The teacher will review vocabulary words with the class.
  3. The teacher will show students a power point on food.
  4. The teacher will ask questions about food.
  5. The teacher will have students guess what type of food that is and who eats that type of food while showing the power point.
  6. The teacher will share and explain the procedure for the studio assignment while showing a enlarged sample of the art assignment
  7. The teacher will have students draw food places on a graph
  8. The teacher will handout white paper for their food project.
  9. The teacher will remind the class to put their names on the back of their paper.
  10. The teacher will go around the classroom while the students are working on project to sure students on the right track.
  11. The teacher will continue to ask questions about the project to make sure the students understand.
  12. The teacher will give the remainder of the class period, minus two minutes, to work on the project.
  13. Clean up time, the teacher will explain the clean up procedure.
Closure: Our closure for this lesson is the last step from the outline above. Our closure will be the review of fashion and foods that define our communities.
  1. Does your family celebrate particular traditions with food?
  2. How does food identify the places we are from?
  3. How does food identify our communities?
  4. What types of fashion did we talk about last week?
  5. How does food define our community?
Cleanup Time & Strategy:
  1. Teacher will collect all students work and put on a shelve in the classroom.
  2. Teacher will have all put materials in proper boxes.
Assessment: Through observation and class discussion at the beginning and end of each class period the teacher determines whether or not students comprehend the assignments. The teacher looks and listens to see if all students respond with affirmative expressions/language and completed assignments.

all articles and lesson plans are copyrighted 2011 by Grimm

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