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Saturday, April 2, 2011

"wicked deadly red" lesson plan

(Sample salamander in oil pastel)

Title: Wicked Deadly Red
Topic: zoology, art, working with oil pastels
Goals & Objectives:

  • Students will illustrate an accurate depiction of a newt with oil pastels.
  • Students will be able to identify characteristics and structures necessary for the survival of a living organism.
Show-Me Standards for Visual Art in The State of Missouri Grade Three
Strand IV: Interdisciplinary Connections, Explain the connections between Visual Art and Communication Arts, Math, Science or Social Studies
Strand I: Product/Performance – Select and apply two-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas and solve challenging visual art problems.

  • Layer two or more colors using crayon, colored pencil, or oil pastel
Show-Me Standards for Biology
Biology Assessment: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, k-12
Strand 3: Characteristic and Interactions of Living Organisms – There is a fundamental unity underlying the diversity of all living organisms

  • Plants and animals have different structures that serve similar functions necessary for the survival of the organism
Grade: 3rd -5th
Length of Class Period: 55 min.
Frequency of Class Period: once a week
Time Needed: one class period
Facility & Equipment Requirements:

  • One computer lap top
  • Room with good lighting
  • Large tables, approximately ten, each seating four students
  • Two sinks
  • Dry erase board
  • Drying racks
  • Cabinets for storage
  • Projector for viewing computer video, CDs and DVDs
Resources Needed:
  • A selection of warm colored oil pastels, red in particular
  • Black construction paper
  • Power Point presentation about the eastern newt (salamander)
  • “The Salamander Room” By Anne Mazer
"Together, parent and child from ELFamily Academy read "The Salamander Room"--the story of a child who turns his room into the perfect habitat for a salamander and other creatures of the forest."

Materials Per Student:
  • Each student needs a single piece of black construction paper
  • Oil pastels at each table, variety of reds
  • Salamander stencils to trace around
  1. Newt - a common salamander of eastern North America.
  2. Aquatic Environment - consisting of, relating to, or being in water
  3. Poisonous - something destructive or fatal
Motivation- Looking and Talking Activity: The teacher will read aloud to the children “The Salamander Room” By Anne Mazer
Step-by-Step Studio Activity Specifics:
Phase 1: Clarify goals and establish set

  • Students learn about the importance of color in nature.
  • Students will learn the methods of application associated with oil pastels.
Phase 2: Demonstrate knowledge or skill
Task Analysis:

  1. Trace around the stencils with a red crayon provided at your table and share patiently with other classmates while the teacher reviews the material about red newts.
  2. Color your newt with bright red oil pastels and rememer to leave some black spots on his back as well.
  3. Draw leaves around your salamander and color them in with bright greens or oranges.
Phase 3: Provide Guided Practice
  1. The teacher will supply all of the necessary art supplies to complete the project at each table.
  2. The teacher will talk to the children about red efts and their biological attributes for defense against predators.
  3. The teacher will demonstrate to the students how to trace around the salamander stencil and color in the shapes of the leafs and salamander with oil pastel.
Health & Safety Concerns: There are no health and safety concerns for this project.
Special Needs Adaptations:
Modifications for the hard-of-hearing or deaf student:

  • Student will be seated closer to instructor so they will be better equipped to hear instructions or read lips
  • Student will be provided with written instructions so that they read about the discussions and demonstrations
  • The instructor may use a amplification devise provided by the school or student’s parents
  • Modifications for the student with limited vision or blindness:
  • Students will be allowed to observe samples of art projects with their hands and for extended periods of time
  • Students will be provided with safe tools and one-on-one guidance during a demonstration of the project
  • The project may be slightly adjusted to accommodate the student’s limitations or for safety reasons
  • Student will be given ample time to exist classroom before large crowds gather outside of the classroom.
Modifications for students with mild brain injury:
  • Students will be provided with duplicate instructions for home and school. Student will not need to remember to carry home materials to review.
  • Students will be given ample time to exist classroom with a pre-determined aid or peer before the official end of a class.
  • Instructor will provide for parent e-mail communication concerning the progress and needs of their student.
  • Student may be given special seat assignment in order to enable his participation in class appropriately. Specific peers may be better equipped to articulate projects visually for this student.
Cleanup Time & Strategy: Students will be instructed to put away art materials neatly in their containers, clean off their tables, and recycle their trash two minutes prior to dismissal.
Assessment: A standardized rubric will be used to analyze and critique each individual student’s artwork.
Provide extended practice and transfer – Students will be encouraged to create even more projects at home. Materials used during class may be duplicated in their own home. A handout for children to take home and color will be provided.
All lesson plans and jpgs. are copyrighted 2011 by Grimm

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