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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

35 questions for promoting aesthetic inquiry in k-12 art classrooms

Questions for Promoting Aesthetic Inquiry: Students should never be allowed to answer questions with a simple "yes" or "no." Teachers should always encourage and wait for the students to give a reason(s) for their answers. This practice will develop complex thinking skills.
  1.  What is the difference between bad art and good art?
  2. What is the difference between bad art and something that isn’t art at all?
  3.  If something is carelessly constructed, from junk, can we call it art?
  4. Why do people disagree so much about how art should look?
  5. If I think some art is ugly, can it still be called art?
  6. If an artwork costs a lot of money, does that mean it is better than less expensive art?
  7. If art is kept inside an art museum, does that mean it is more important than art that is kept inside our homes?
  8.  If an object is useful, is it considered art?
  9. Are you born an artist or can you learn to be an artist?
  10. Is a very old piece of art more valuable than a newly created piece of art?
  11.  How do you become an art expert?
  12.  If I’m making an artwork, am I working or playing?
  13.  Should artwork be used to sell things, if so when is it the correct thing to do? When is it wrong to use artwork to sell things?
  14.  Can people make art in a factory or does it need to be made by hand?
  15. Can art be about ugliness?
  16.  Are animals, insects, or plants considered art?
  17.  Can you describe for me what a beautiful portrait of a lady would look like, and why you think that is the way she should look?
  18.  Does artwork mean only one thing to every person? Can one artwork have multiple meanings?
  19.  Who makes the best art in your opinion?
  20.  Can more than one person work on one artwork at a time?
  21. Should a gallery sell an artwork for less money if it was created by a woman, instead of a man?
  22.  Does a painting of a city need to look real in order for us to enjoy looking at it?
  23.  Is there such a thing as art that should never exist?
  24.  Why should artists invest so much time in their work when they could be easily entertained in a theater or with a book?
  25. Can we consider anything art?
  26.  Should the government pay artists to create artworks that offend some people?
  27. Should artists need to prove that they are capable of painting something realistically? If so, why?
  28.  Do artists need to sell their work?
  29.  If one painting is bigger than another, does that mean it is better?
  30. If you could copy another artists’ work exactly, would your copy be as valuable?
  31.  Can monkeys or elephants make art?
  32. If art is easy to make is it less valuable or less important?
  33. Can you name something that is not art but people might think that it is?
  34. How long do you think it would take to make important artworks?
  35. Who makes the best art?

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