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Saturday, October 22, 2011

designing brochures for student art exhibits

      Ideally, teachers should directly involve students in the design of their art show brochures, invitations, posters, etc... But there are circumstances when not enough time is left in a teacher's schedule to assign projects like these to their students. I have included in this brief article four generic "art exhibit" graphics that teachers may use freely for their own student art shows. Along with the graphics are sample layouts as well. Feel free to tack on additional, necessary content such as: specific names, dates and times in order to personalize the graphics for your own school art exhibit. 

Sample brochure that includes only three ink colors.
For those of you who prefer bold, simple graphics, read the
Terms of Use before using it folks.
This design is perfect for small, postcard type mailings.
Black and bold with bright, and colorful lettering,
this graphic is perfect for any elementary school art show.
Read the Terms of Use before using it folks.
This design is for a elaborate poster.
Include photos of student work with this design.
This sophisticated graphic would work nicely for any artist exhibit,
read the Terms of Use before using it folks.
Can't afford to print in color? Grey graphics
can still be "eye catching" if designed carefully.
What a way to save cash, use this greyscale graphic
for your next art exhibit brochures. Read
the Terms of Use before using it folks.

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