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Friday, January 31, 2014

textured, blue textile banner

My first textured, textile banner completed for a college credit course. Missouri art teachers are now expected to take some textile credits for a k-12 art education certification. I dyed the blue fabrics in a class for an assignment. We were then asked to integrate our fabrics into some sort of a banner.

I added pulled threads and one other machine knotted, metallic fabric to this project.

The butterfly was made by hand as well; I used embroidery threads, copper wire and beads to create this blue butterfly. The banner is backed with a wool felt that was once used as packing material for one of my family’s many cross country moves.

About half way through the project, I decided the banner needed a few additional colors; I chose yellow and pale pink.

I finished many of the edges off with a decorative blanket stitch.
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