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Monday, October 31, 2022

How to Cast Plaster Tiles

        "How To Cast Plaster Tiles" for teachers and students to include in their journals and or lesson plans. The illustrated text is in black and white.

The text reads...

  1. Modeling clay is used to make plaque 1/2" thick.
  2. Put plaque in wall of cardboard 1 1/4" high & oil all surfaces with linseed or cooking oils.
  3. Pour in Plaster of Paris and smooth flush with top.
  4. When set pry pieces apart and oil the plaster surface.
  5. Repeat 2 & 3 using cast for mold & make as many tiles as desired. 
  6. Paint with tempera paints.
  7. Finish tile with many coats of clear lacquer as necessary to give the tile the look of a fired tile.

Step-by-Step Clip Art Illustration of Casting Plaster Tiles.

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