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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"starry night" lesson plan

(Above are student samples of the project)
Title: “Starry Night” It’s Elementary!
Topic: collage, art history
Goals and Objectives:
  • Students will use line to describe a cityscape.
  • Students will fill in areas of paper with solid marker.
  • Students will identify themes in music to themes in fine art.
  • Students will apply pressure to oil pastel to create different tones.
  • Students will identify and draw cityscapes.
Strand I: Product/Performance for Drawing
A.1. Select and apply two-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas and solve challenging visual art problems.
Grade K - Produce a line using crayon, pencil, or marker
Grade 1 - Fill an area with solid color/value using crayon, pencil, or marker
Grade 2 - Change pressure to create two values using crayon or pencil
Strand I: Product/Performance for Subject Matter: Functional Art
B. 3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes
Grade 2 - Design a building that serves a function in the community and includes building parts (e.g., roof, walls, door, windows, surface material)
Strand I: Product/Performance for Theme
C.3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes.
Grade 1 - Create original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes:
· People (e.g., self, family, friends)
· Animals (e.g., pets, farm, zoo, wild)
· Things (e.g., toys, tools, food)
Grade 2 - Create an original artwork that communicates ideas about the following themes:
· Nature
· Places (e.g., school, home, stores, neighborhood, countryside)
Strand II: Elements and Principles – Line
A.1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork.
· Grade 1 - Identify and use straight, curved, thick, and thin lines
· Grade 2 - Identify and use zigzag, dotted, and wavy lines
Strand V: Historical and Cultural Contexts That Describe Characteristics of Artworks
B.1. Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures
· Grade 1 - Compare and contrast two artworks on: Subject matter, Use of line, color, and shape
· Grade 2 - Compare and contrast two artworks on: Subject matter, Media, Use of line, color, shape, and texture, Theme, Purpose of art in culture
Strand IV: Interdisciplinary Connections That Connect Visual and Performing Arts
A.1. Explain connections between visual art and performing arts.
· Grade 2 - Compare patterns in music to patterns in artworks
Grade: 1st and 2nd
Length of Class Period: 55 min.
Frequency of Class Period: once a week
Time Needed: three class periods
Facility & Equipment Requirements:
  • One computer lap top
  • Room with good lighting
  • Large tables, approximately ten, each seating four students
  • Two sinks
  • Dry erase board
  • Drying racks
  • Cabinets for storage
  • Projector for viewing computer video, CDs and DVDs
Resources Needed:
(My own "Starry Night" painted ten years ago.)
  • Power point about Vincent Van Gough
  • Youtube link to Don McClean’s song “Starry, Starry Night”
  • Sample of prototype for the chalkboard/interactive whiteboard 
  • "Starry Night by Grimm" for discussion about artists who are influenced by Vincent Van Gough
Materials Per Student:
  • Grey, royal blue, and black construction papers (new full sized sheets)
  • Star stickers
  • A variety of oil pastels, one box per two students
  • White glue
  • Pencil and permanent black ink marker
Motivation- Looking and Talking Activity: I will share with the students a song written by Don McClean and a painting that I created based upon Van Gough's "Starry Night." We will discuss how artists influence each other.
Step-by-Step Studio Activity Specifics:
  1. Students will be introduced to Van Gough's painting of a village.
  2. Students will then discuss the similarities between artists who are influenced by "Starry Night."
  3. Students will then be asked to compare the similarities and differences between villages and cities.
  4. Students will be given black construction paper to cut out a silhouette of a city skyline. 
  5. Students will then use oil pastels to color windows in their cityscape.
  6. Students will glue down their silhouettes to a larger piece of purple or royal blue construction paper.
  7. Then they will add a sheet of grey paper to the bottom of their cityscape.
  8. Then students will add star stickers, color dashed lines in the night sky etc...
  9. Students will draw in pencil a busy street scene and outline this with black marker before coloring in their cars and people.
Special Needs Adaptations:
Modifications for the hard-of-hearing or deaf student:
  • Student will be seated closer to instructor so they will be better equipped to hear instructions or read lips
  • Student will be provided with written instructions so that they read about the discussions and demonstrations
  • The instructor may use a amplification devise provided by the school or student’s parents
Modifications for the student with limited vision or blindness:
  • Students will be allowed to observe samples of art projects with their hands and for extended periods of time
  • Students will be provided with safe tools and one-on-one guidance during a demonstration of the project
  • The project may be slightly adjusted to accommodate the student’s limitations or for safety reasons
  • Student will be given ample time to exist classroom before large crowds gather outside of the classroom.
Modifications for students with mild brain injury:
  • Students will be provided with duplicate instructions for home and school. Student will not need to remember to carry home materials to review.
  • Students will be given ample time to exist classroom with a pre-determined aid or peer before the official end of a class.
  • Instructor will provide for parent e-mail communication concerning the progress and needs of their student.
  • Student may be given special seat assignment in order to enable his participation in class appropriately. Specific peers may be better equipped to articulate projects visually for this student.
Health & Safety Concerns: There are no health and safety concerns for this project.
Cleanup Time & Strategy: Students will be instructed to put away art materials neatly in their containers, clean off their tables, and recycle their trash two minutes prior to dismissal.
Assessment: Fill out the formal scoring guide included below according to age appropriate standards.

all articles and lesson plans are copyrighted 2011 by Grimm

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