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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

rockwood school district art exhibit, 2011

Here is Mrs. Pfeifer laughing as we work, she is
 the sweetest art teacher in the whole universe!
I gave up much of my flesh in order to hot glue these marvelous 
feathers and beads! Oh, and I suppose the students worked hard too.
The sun on the left was created with oil pastel and sandpaper. 
Then I helped the students print their sun image onto drawing paper with an iron.
Above and below are more colorful paintings made 
at Ellisville Elementary
And more paintings
These pumpkins and squash were drawn from real still lifes in 
Mrs. Pfeifer's classroom. Some of the students added a few fall trees 
and/or brick walls to enhance their art assignments.
The following artworks were by students from another school.
 I loved them so much that I photographed the displays for my records. 
I recognized this lesson from "The Great Clay Adventure," by Ellen Kong.
 I worked from this book during my internship with Mrs. Pfeifer.
I loved the use of the packing tape in this project! These shoes were 
made by middle school students I believe.
Art assignments that include architectural elements are very 
popular these days. I am noticing more of them in books, 
online, and in art classrooms that I visit.
This child did a marvelous study of Degas' Dancers!
I love the artworks done from this particular high school; 
these were very contemporary and fun.
These skeletons were made in a cultural project involving Latino Traditions.
 I have seen lesson plans based upon the subject but never have 
I seen such marvelous results from this topic in a local art classroom.
Very "dotty" but still a nice result for a simple lesson 
on complimentary colors.
This is cute "by George!" ... and a little strange.

all articles and lesson plans are copyrighted 2011 by Grimm

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