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Monday, October 10, 2011

contributing to local community events

The following are photographs of the opening night exhibit at Central Presbyterian Church, 2010. I have served on the jury for this congregation's art exhibits for three years. In 2010, I also taught during a seminar along with five other artists during the church’s art festival. This festival has grown and expanded it’s agenda little by little each year. It is one of the ways in which I have truly enjoyed using my time and talents to teach others about art outside of a secularized environment.
Left, artists Doug Merkey and Patt Tiemeir at the 2010
Central Presbyterian Art Exhibit. Right, is one of the
many lovely marble carving submitted for the show that year.
Above is a sculpture by Brother Mel. He always exhibits
liturgical works for local St. Louis shows in church communities.
Above is a marvelous wood carving from the 2010 exhibit.
Fine photography is frequently displayed during these art shows as well.
Of course, there is always good food. Here are the
volunteers bringing in the appetizers.

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