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Monday, October 10, 2011

Science, Weather, Botany & Geography Bulletin Boards

Mammals, hunters, defenders
butterfly life cycle
weather watchers
living organisms
The sun's family

The above examples are of the bulletin boards that represented the units of study in science that my mother taught every semester. The above examples where used to cover a small corner near a window. I recommend also, that teachers make available a small selection of books representing the study units' subjects be placed on a table below. Don't forget to think about objects that may also be included on the table that will stimulate a child's learning through sensory means as well. Listed here are more helpful hints for science displays:

1.     If your science unit includes some sort of life cycle of small animals, you may wish to include objects like a turtle shell, fur skin, old bones, teeth, or stuffed animals.
2.     If your unit is about some sort of botany, then you could include objects such as interesting bark, a terrarium, potted plants, or maybe a selection of seeds planted in small plastic, see-through cups so the children could observe the growth of their plants.
3.     If your unit is about planets, you could hang painted foam planets from the ceiling.
4.     If your unit is about geography you may wish to include a spinning globe on the table.

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