Friday, May 27, 2011

Depth of Knowledge Suggestions For A High School Drawing Class

       Art teachers face unique challenges in the practical application of DOKs. They must apply these ''depth of knowledge'' concepts by visual means of interpretation, as apposed to, liberal arts educators who primarily analyze their students' verbal and written responses with the application of the concept. I have included here a listing of DOKs I wrote and shared with my CT and her students during the drawing classes of my student teaching in a local high school.

Level One is all about Recall:

  1. Draw a color wheel chart in today's brief journal entry.
  2. Define five characteristics of texture through single abstract drawing.
  3. Calculate the correct proportions of objects in relationship to each other in the still life I assign to you.
  4. Arrange three objects in a drawing to demonstrate asymmetrical balance.
  5. Repeat five patterns your observe in nature in your drawing.
  6. Recall from an artist studied previously the typical elements of their work and then draw these in your own artwork.
  7. Recite a series of events in a cartoon drawing.
  8. Tell the class the kinds of things you have drawn before and why you did or did not enjoy drawing these things.
  9. State the differences between the drawings of two artists you remember studying.
  10. Recognize in a slide presentation a soft pastel drawing, a charcoal drawing, a pencil drawing and a oil pastel drawing.
  11.  Use three different strokes of charcoal, vine, and conte crayon to illustrate a human figure.
  12. Match the colors of a photograph in your own drawing.
  13. List at least five quotes about drawing by noted individuals that you agree with and be prepared to discuss your opinions with the class.
  14. Write a 150-word report about the drawings of a famous artist.
  15. Name three important artists that you do not appreciate and then list for each one, at least three reasons you do not like their work.
  16. Measure the exact size of your hand and draw it realistically according to those measurements
  17. Illustrate a two-point perspective of a building.
  18. Label five different art movements from a collection of images presented to you during a slide show.
  19. List the principles of design.
  20. Identify the differences between negative and positive space in a classroom discussion.
  21.  Memorize the objects in a photograph and then redraw these in your own artwork without viewing the photo a second time.
  22. Whose drawings do you admire the most and why?
  23. What are ten purposes of drawing?
  24. When do you think it is important for a person to learn to draw?
  25.  Where are you most comfortable drawing and why?

Level Two is all about Skill and Concept:

  1. Graph a photocopy and then draw a new artwork by using the graphed photo as a guide.
  2. Classify shapes, patterns and colors within a randomly selected magazine page and reconstruct these to illustrate a new abstract artwork.
  3. Separate the darkest areas from a greyscale drawing and then redraw these dark areas in order to develop a whole new abstract design.
  4. Draw the cause of an assignment by randomly making marks on your paper while blindfolded. Then illustrate the effects of these marks by superimposing another series of marks next to the original ones without using an eraser or by covering up the random marks.
  5. Estimate the colors that you should layer together in order to match the color representation of human flesh inside of a photograph.
  6. Compare two art movements by dividing your paper in half and illustrating on the left half of the paper one kind of modernist technique and then on the right side of the paper illustrate the other side of the face by the techniques of another art movement.
  7. Relate to a famous artist of your choice by drawing yourself into one of their artworks, keeping within their style and philosophy.
  8. Infer lighting by drawing a figure in pale colored pencils on dark black drawing paper.
  9. Categorize several techniques found in modern movements by drawing the same subject seen from three different points of view.
  10. Collect and Display a series of drawings depicting found objects of interest to you.
  11. Identify Patterns while drawing an abstract artwork of insects.
  12. Organize a landscape drawing by including the following items: grove of trees, one lone pine, one stream, a large bird, and a mountain range.
  13. Construct a robotic figure by drawing and shading a series of 3-D geometric shapes.
  14. Modify the age of a drawn face by erasing wrinkles and redrawing the muscular structure.
  15. Predict the left side of a face by drawing it based upon the photograph of the right side of a face only.
  16. Interpret the depth of a dimly lit still life by the illustration of tone.
  17. Distinguish the scale of trees in a landscape by drawing them distant, not so far away, and up close.
  18. Use context cues to determine the origin of a small fragment of a much larger illustration.
  19. Draw from an environment you observe.
  20. Summarize only the most important information from a still life by drawing basic forms and using a limited number of colors.
  21. Show a dreamscape through symbolic drawing.

Level Three is all about Strategic Thinking:

  1. Revise an old black and white drawing by shifting objects, altering values, and applying color.
  2. Apprise or inform a drawing by superimposing complimentary colors and new additional collage items to its’ surface.
  3. Critique the value of a drawing by presuming the identity of someone from an entirely different culture.
  4. Formulate the patterns of a photographed Baroque painting after turning it upside down and redrawing its’ elements.
  5. Hypothesize the meaning behind the creation of one artwork by drawing it's explanation for a large group discussion.
  6. Cite evidence for the journal topic I will give you in advance and draw a scientifically correct rendering of that evidence.
  7. Draw conclusions about a torn photograph I will give you and finish it as a drawing within the confines of a 8'' x 12'' piece of drawing paper.
  8. Draw and explain a famous phenomena in terms of one of the following concepts in modern art: surrealism, impressionism, cubism, or expressionism.
  9. Use Concepts to Solve Non-Routine Problems
  10. Develop a logical argument by drawing a still life you feel demonstrates the essence of that argument.
  11. Assess those drawing skills you have learned thus far and illustrate them in a still life.
  12. Construct a drawing of a crowd of people in a cafe space with figures that do not appear in the original photograph you are drawing from.
  13. Compare the differences between one of your own drawings and one of a master artist. Then draw a hybrid artwork combining selected areas of both drawings into an entirely new drawing.
  14. Investigate an art movement you are unfamiliar with and then draw a artwork representing the information you have gleaned from your research.
  15. Differentiate between positive and negative space in order to draw an abstract landscape.

Level Four is all about Extended Thinking:

  1. Design an original series of drawings depicting different lines of the same poem.
  2. Connect symbolic images of one culture of your own choice to the logical representation of a myth, story, or music selection of a differing culture.
  3. Synthesize or orchestrate a series of design elements in a drawing while listening to one particular song.
  4. Apply concepts by painting three distinctly different landscapes influenced by three distinctly different art movements.
  5. Critique a series of artworks that you dislike and redraw these by the means and methods you prefer.
  6. Analyze the properties of an abstract artwork and apply these same properties to a representational drawing of a entirely different subject.
  7. Create a drawing based upon an ancient myth, portraying the characters in modern costume, space, and times.
  8. Prove your skills either by drawing much larger than you normally do or by drawing much smaller than you normally do.

article copyrighted 2011 by Grimm

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