Friday, September 23, 2011

cut sucker sleeves from outer space!

A rocket sucker sleeve decorated with
shiny foil paper and stuffed
with a lemon flavored sucker.
Brief Description: Sucker sleeves "dress up" party favors for classroom parties. When I was very young, if you received a valentine with a sucker attached to it, you were considered a great friend. Not every package of student valentines included more than just a few sucker sleeves with a bonus treat.

Supply List:
  • a variety of construction paper
  • tin foils or other alternative shiny papers
  • white glue
  • black permanent ink marker, thin tipped
  • scissors
  • sucker sleeve templates
  • stapler
  • suckers, of course
  1. Cut out the templates and trace around these on top of the construction papers.
  2. Cut out and glue together the patterns according to your own tastes. You may choose to use tin foils for the spaceships as well.
  3. Use permanent black markers to draw on top of the tin foil. This will keep the ink from rubbing off onto clothing and table surfaces. This ink does bleed, however, so remember to keep your work surfaces padded with old newspapers.
  4. Glue around the edges of your front template and then adhere the back template into place. Let this glue dry before stuffing the sucker sleeve with a piece of candy.
  5. After stuffing the candy sleeve, you may need to add a few staples to keep the sucker from falling out of it's wrapper.
Additional Suggestions: Teachers and/or camp crafters may elect not to cut and paste these candy wrappers with fancy papers. Small ones would probably be just as happy to color in the templates with colored markers or crayons.
The back side of our rocket sucker sleeve.
Teachers may choose to give students some
shiny tin foil to craft a more realistic
spaceship or rocket!
A sample of a submarine sucker sleeve
colored with a bright yellow marker and
stuffed with a sour cherry sucker
The rocket ship sucker sleeve template.
The submarine sucker sleeve template.
The spaceship sucker sleeve template.
This template may be downloaded and sized in a
word document to fit the above measurements.
Read the Terms of Use before using it folks.

All patterns and photographs by Grimm copyrighted 2011.

cut and paste treasure chest candy wrappers

Treat your pirate to Palmer chocolate,
gold coins packaged in our treasure chest candy wrapper!
Brief Description: These little paper treasure chests are easy and inexpensive to make. They make the perfect candy favors for a birthday party or holiday celebration. 

Supply List:
  • one sheet of brown construction paper
  • black ink pen
  • silver ink pen
  • scissors
  • white glue
  • one netted package of Palmer, gold, chocolate coins ( there are other brands of chocolate coins sold in the U.K.)
  • pattern for the candy wrapper provided below.
  1. Print and cut out the templates
  2. Trace one of each onto a sheet of brown construction paper.
  3. Cut out the patterns and fold/cut where indicated on the pattern.
  4. Glue just the out edges only of the back of the treasure chest and adhere this to the front.
  5. Color the candy wrapper with black and silver ink as I have shown here in my pictures.
Don't forget to decorate the inside
of the candy wrapper as well
The backside view of our treasure chest
A treasure chest candy wrapper template.
This template may be downloaded and sized in a
word document to fit the above measurements.
Read the Terms of Use before using it folks.
All patterns and photographs by Grimm copyrighted 2011.

Read more about "How to host a vintage pirate party" at Thrifty Scissors.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

short quiz for abstract/realistic portrait

The following quiz is a formal assessment of the Abstract/Realistic Portrait Lesson Plan
True or False. A selection of color pictures for students to refer to is provided for this quiz.
  1. There are a total of five abstract portraits on the sample sheet? (1pt.) (true)
  2. In a profile portrait, the artist includes a nose, a mouth, and two eyes. (1pt.) (false)
  3. All abstract portraits depict the subject from a frontal view. (1pt.) (false)
  4. Another word for realistic in artistic circles is representational? (1pt.) (true)
  5. A realistic portrait represents a person as he appears in real life. (1pt.) (true)
  6.  A sculpture of a person can be considered a portrait. (1pt.) (true)
  7.  Color may be used to describe both an abstract portrait and a realistic portrait. (1pt.) (true)
  8.  In order to paint an abstract portrait, an artist must strategically simplify the original information associated with the appearance of the person he is painting. (1pt.) (true)
  9. A patriot is the person who pays an artist to produce a portrait. (1pt.) (false)
Short Answer.
  1. Which one of these portraits is a profile? (1pt.) Picture number three.
  2. Which one of these portraits is representational? (1pt.) Picture number three.
  3. Which portrait do you like best? Why? (2pts.) Any answer will do. The student must explain the "why" of their choice.
  4. What kinds of simplified strategy did these artists use? (3pts.) lines, shapes, and colors
  5. Which portrait is the most simple or which painting has the least amount of information? (1pt.) Picture number two.
  6. Which abstract portrait is most like a representational portrait and why? (3pts.) Picture number six is most like a representational portrait, why? Students may give two of the three following answers; the colors of the paint describes naturalistic color combinations, the multiple strokes shape the face realistically, or three-dimensional space is represented on a two dimensional surface.
Create a mind map on the back of this quiz sheet that is representative of our art assignment. Use words and ideas to represent two types of portraits, representational and abstract. Diagram the knowledge that we have discussed in class. Include at least five characteristics of each type of portrait. (10pts.)

The following jpgs. go along with the short quiz and would normally be projected or posted in the classroom during the quiz.
Grading Rubric for Abstract/Representational Portrait Project
____Your name and grade clearly written on the back of your art assignment. (5 pts.)
____Bring a magazine ad or a photograph of a person to class for this project I am looking for a frontal view and it would be best for you to use a large portrait that fills a 81/2 by 11inch space completely. Divide the head in half and staple the two half’s to the top of the artwork after the project is completed. There is an example of this available in class. (5 pts.)
____Students must demonstrate the use of two mediums. It doesn’t matter which two that you choose. Make sure that you choose a medium that can be kept clean. (5 pts.)
____Two Distinctly different approaches to a portrait must be drawn on one sheet of paper. Both a representational interpretation and an abstract interpretation of the same person must be included in the project. (10 pts.)
____A color version earns you more points. (10 pts.)
____Articulation of the media is very important. These points are attributed to how well you have developed your technique. (25 pts.)
____The project should be neat and clean. (5 pts.)
____Please hand in the project on time! (5pts.)

70 pts. are possible for the Art Project. Your total number of pts. are ___ /___
30pts. are possible for the Quiz. Your total number of pts. are ___/___
All lesson plans and photographs are copyrighted by Grimm 2011 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

decoupage a purple crayon themed frame

This frame was decoupaged with pages from
On a very rare occasions, I use old books 
for craft projects such as these. This particular
volume had been "loved to death" so to speak.
 I needed to replace it with a newer copy 
and so I recycled it into an art project 
appropriate for a child's room.
Brief Description: Even favorite books from childhood may be given new life in a decoupage art project. This one was from my husband's collection. It was literally falling apart at the seams and the pages were darkening from the acid content in the paper.

Supply List:
  • one very old copy of "Herold and The Purple Crayon"
  • a purple crayon
  • Mod Podge
  • tacky glue for the crayon
  • a prefabricated frame with a smooth, clean surface
  1. Cut and layer the Mod Podge according to the directions on the container. 
  2. If you are worried about the surface of the frame being a little to slick, simple rough it up a bit with a small piece of sandpaper.
  3. Do not remove the protective paper of the crayon before adhering it to the frame. Waxy surfaces are near to impossible to glue to any other surface. You may need to hold the crayon in place for awhile until it sticks to the frame. 
  4. Use words from the story on the frame too!
photographs and written craft pages copyrighted by Grimm 2011 

Harold and the Purple Crayon cartoon 
by Weston Woods

Craft More Decoupaged Frames:

upcycle your old sweater into a throw pillow

My hand knit sweater looks much better as a pillow!
Brief Description: Ever wonder what you could possible do with old 80s sweaters? Yes, I understand that some things should never be resurrected but, this one had never even been worn. Hard to believe, isn't it?

Supply List:
  • old sweaters in excellent condition
  • large embroidery needle
  • matching embroidery floss
  • stuffing inside of a pillow form or cushion material cut to size.
  1. Cut the sweater approximately 1/8 inch larger than the measurement of your pillow.
  2. You will need two identical sides and these may be sewn together to either hide the seam or not, depending on the look that is most appropriate for the sweater's surface.
  3. The pictured knit pillow was sewn with the right sides facing out. I sewed the seams twice with a heavy blanket stitch. I find this necessary when working with something that was formerly knit. 
  4. Attempt to catch every loop of the knitting with the embroidery floss, otherwise your pillow will unravel.
  5. Stuff the pillow with the pillow form, not loose cotton batting. Loose batting will eventually get pulled out from in between the knitting!

Additional Suggestions: A heavily textured knit looks best when sewn together with a similar seam.  For a finer seam, it would be best to stitch the knitted pieces on a sewing machine in order to prevent unraveling.

photographs and written craft pages copyrighted by Grimm 2017 

Upcycle old sweaters into handbags with Craftbrulee.
In England, sweaters are called jumpers. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

wrap and tie a prairie yarn doll

Brief Description: These kinds of rag dolls were made by American settlers. They have an old-fashioned charm. My daughter took this one as soon as it was photographed.

Supply List: 
  • One skein of yarn if it is bulky and soft
  • scissors
  • small piece of cardboard
  • scrap fabrics and lace trims
  • needle and thread that matches the yarn

Twist the yarn around a notched piece
cardboard, first one way, then another.
Soon you will have made a tight ball
the size of my doll's head, approximately
one inch in diameter. This solid
ball will add weight and substance to
the doll. I want this doll to stand
up to a three to five year old's rough play.
Use a large book to twist the yarn around
repetitively (about 35 times) until
there is enough yarn to create a full
body with. My book measured
approximately eleven inches long.
After removing the yarn from the book carefully
tuck the ball of yarn beneath it. Pull the yarn
over the "head" and tie around the bottom with more yarn
to create the neck. Then thread a long needle
with matching thread and sew in and out of the head.
The thread should disappear into the yard but
if you continue to do this the doll's
head will become firm and compact.
Run your fingers through the yarn body and
clip the looped bottom apart. Gather up the
yarn ends and trim these ends off evenly.
You will need to repeat the third step above
(about 17 times).Tie off the yarn edges.
Braid the yarn to create the arms.
The braid is shown above
along with the yarn doll body. Divide
the doll's body in two even sections
and then position the arms between the sections.
Wrap more yarn around the doll body
to create a waste just below the doll's arms.
Thread a needle and sew in and out of the
waste, the wrist joints, and arms of the doll.
Sewing ensures these ties are firm and will
stand up to rough play.
Now you are ready to dress your prairie doll.
I gathered and sewed onto the body a skirt.
I added a lace shawl and mop cap.
Additional Suggestions: Yarn dolls are dressed in a variety of ways. Scarecrows and clowns are popular costume choices. Some crafts people prefer just to leave them without clothing as well.

photographs and written craft pages copyrighted by Grimm 2011 

Want something more contemporary? 
SoCraftastic makes a octopus doll from yarn.

Bend a pipe cleaner puppy

Steps for twisting
pipe cleaners illustrated.
Brief Description: Small children can learn much about sculpture by playing with pipe cleaners (chenille stems), especially if given some simple steps to follow.

Supply List:
  • one variety pack of pipe cleaners
  • scissors
  • one tiny charm for his dog tags
  • two tiny seed beads for his eyes

Directions: The following steps are pictured on the right.
  1. First bend the upper body shape of your dog. This will be his tail, belly, neck and head.
  2. Then cut one long chenille stem in half and twist one of these just below the beginning point of the dog's tail and the other stem at the beginning point of the dog's head.
  3. Proceed to fill in the dog's body with as many stems as you need, more for a large fat dog, less for a tall skinny dog. Play around with your wire form to give it character.
  4. Bend in ears, glue on eyes and twist on a collar after stringing the charm for a dog collar.

Additional Suggestions: Projects such as these give children a concrete idea to work towards. After they have mastered this process of including those features that should be anticipated, encourage them to create silly monsters that may look like anything. Take small steps toward creative big steps. Encourage with predictability and then challenge your young students to take unpredictable measures afterwards.
From "Remarkable Lifelike Little Dogs
Made from Pipe Clearners"
(April, 1933 issue) by Popular Science
This pipe cleaner pup has an
additional detailed collar.
Remember to think about "how"
your wire dog looks from
a variety of angles.
From this angle this pup
looks pretty relaxed.
photographs and written craft pages copyrighted by Grimm 2017

Skymagenta crafts pipe cleaners or chenille stems into peacocks.