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Teacher's samples in progress |
Topic: graffiti artworks, keeping art legal, gang culture
Students will identify characteristics and also values of gang culture in America and demonstrate
graffiti design reflecting how these issues are related to themselves in order to complete a one
point perspective drawing by the end of this lesson.
- Students will create word art using one point perspective.
- Students will demonstrate the design principles and elements concerning line, space, balance and unity.
- Students will assess their own artwork through topical discussions based upon cultural aesthetics.
- Students will discuss issues in art concerning power.
Fine Art GLEs:
STRAND I: Product/Performance
Select and apply two-dimensional media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas and solve challenging visual art problems
A. High School Level I
- Create smooth, continuous value through even pressure
- Define edge through variations in pressure or angle
- Demonstrate proficiency using a single drawing media
- Use a ruler to create parallel, perpendicular, and converging lines
STRAND I: Product/Performance
3. Communicate ideas about subject matter and themes in artworks created for various purposes
C. High School Level I
- Create original artwork that communicates ideas through themes (e.g., identity, power, time, nature, illusion)
STRAND V: Historical and Cultural Contexts (HC)
1. Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures
A. High School Level I
- Identify works from gang cultures in America
STRAND V: Historical and Cultural Contexts (HC)
1. Compare and contrast artworks from different historical time periods and/or cultures.
B. High School Level I
- Compare and contrast two artworks on: subject matter, ideas and beliefs of culture, material/technology and function of art in culture/society.
STRAND II: Elements and Principles (EP)
1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork
A. Line: High School Level I
- Identify and use weighted contour, parallel, and perpendicular lines
STRAND II: Elements and Principles (EP)
1. Select and use elements of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork
G. Space: High School Level I
- Identify and use positive and negative space in two-dimensional work
- Identify and use perspective techniques to create the illusion of space (one-point linear perspective, overlapping, and change of size, detail, placement, value contrast)
STRAND II: Elements and Principles (EP)
2. Select and use principles of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork
A. Balance: High School Level I
- Differentiate among and use symmetrical (formal), asymmetrical (informal), and radial balance
STRAND II: Elements and Principles (EP)
2. Select and use principles of art for their effect in communicating ideas through artwork
E. Unity: High School Level I
- Explain how elements and principles create unity in artworks
STRAND III: Artistic Perceptions (AP)
1. Investigate the nature of art and discuss responses to artworks
A. Aesthetics: High School Level I
- Discuss personal beliefs about the nature of art
- Define aesthetics as the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and value of art
- Discuss and develop answers to questions about art, such as: What is art? and Why do responses vary?
- Who decides what makes an artwork special, valuable or good?
Grade: 9th – 12th
Length of Class Period: 55 minutes
Length of Class Period: 55 minutes
Frequency of Class Period: five days a week
Time Needed: five class periods
Facility & Equipment Requirements:
- One computer lap top
- Room with good lighting
- Large tables, approximately ten, each seating four students
- Two sinks
- Dry erase board
- Drying racks
- Cabinets for storage
- Projector for viewing computer video, CDs and DVDs
Resources Needed:
- Power point presentation about one point perspective
- Slide show depicting graffiti artwork
- Power point presentation about “death script”
- The film, “The Outsiders”
Materials Per Student:
- Newsprint
- Drawing paper
- Pencils and colored pencils
- Tooth brush
- Black India Ink
- Paint brush
Motivation- Looking and Talking Activity: I will play scene selections from the film called, “The Outsiders.” Students will then be given time to meet with small groups and discuss the following questions posted on the board.
- Why do young people live by the rules of neighborhood gangs?
- How do gangs reflect tribal concepts?
- How and why do larger organized governments clash with gang mentality?
- How can gangs live peacefully with big government do you think?
Step-by-Step Studio Activity Specifics:
- I will select and play scenes from the film, “The Outsiders.”
- Students will have small group discussions about this film.
- I will introduce a slide film about graffiti.
- Students will be given newsprint to practice drawing letterforms in one-point perspective.
- Students will then observe me while I draw a one point perspective.
- I will lead a smaller topical discussion based upon a presentation discussing “Death Script.” Students will be asked to think about these questions: What is Death Script? How is it related to gang graffiti? And how is music related to Death Script and graffiti?
- The studio project is introduced.
- A formal self-assessment is completed at the end of the project.
Health & Safety Concerns: There are no health and safety concerns for this project.
Special Needs Adaptations:
Modifications for the hard-of-hearing or deaf student:
- Student will be seated closer to instructor so they will be better equipped to hear instructions or read lips
- Student will be provided with written instructions so that they read about the discussions and demonstrations
- The instructor may use a amplification devise provided by the school or student’s parents
Cleanup Time & Strategy: Students will be instructed to put away art materials neatly in their containers, clean off their tables, and recycle their trash two minutes prior to dismissal.
Assessment: A formal assessment/grading rubric sheet is included along with this lesson plan.
All photos and lesson plans copyrighted by Grimm 2011
Comedian Marcio Ballas visits an area of Sao Paulo where each graffiti artist has its block.
Comedian Marcio Ballas visits an area of Sao Paulo where each graffiti artist has its block.
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